How to make consistent book sales on Amazon (KDP Marketing)

Published 2022-06-16
Platform Udemy
Price $29.99
Adriane Hernandez

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Learn how to rank your book higher, convert more browsers into buyers and make consistent book sales on Amazon

Self-published authors

Imagine sitting down, opening your laptop every morning, logging into KDP, and seeing that you made book sales.  Not just the day before but every single day.

If you are an author that sells on Amazon and consistently struggles with book sales it's because you are making one or all of these 3 mistakes:

  1. Your book is not ranked high enough on Amazon search

  2. Your book doesn't look appealing to readers

  3. Your book description doesn't convert browsers to buyers

This 7-day challenge will show you how to solve the issues that are plaguing your book.  Stop spending money on promotions, ads, giveaways, and other traffic methods until you've fixed these issues.

The Challenge makes it dead simple to set your book up for success.

There is a module for each day that shows you how to fix one critical element that drives book sales.  By day 7 you will have your book positioned to covert sales like crazy. 

Each day contains:

The best part is that even after the 7 days you will have lifetime access to all the materials covered.  Miss a day?  Want to spend more time on one particular task?  No problem you can come back to it anytime you'd like.

If you are tired of logging into KDP and seeing no book sales, giving away free copies of your book and getting no reviews, and just the general frustration of not knowing why your book doesn't sell then this challenge is for you.

Are there other methods you could try to fix your book sales?

Of course.

Or you could...

Get the confidence that you have finally done everything to set your book up for success and sign up for the challenge today!

We are going to cover:

STOP Procrastinating and START selling books.

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