A Beginner to Advance Apps in 2 Hours - App Inventor 2

Published 2022-02-26
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $19.99
Essa Sweidan

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A project based learning course to master App Inventor in less than 2 hours

In this course, you will work through many simple applications to master the MIT App Inventor and create your own application.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

- Learn how to add the basic interface components features on your application screen, in addition, to changing the property of each component before assigning an action script that makes them alive.

- Use Image, Sound, and Acceloremetr components to interact with your application.

- Use Image, Sound, and Acceloremetr components to interact with your application.

- Use the App Inventor conditional statements to create a simple spilling game.

- Use App Inventor Canvas.

- Apply the button advance features.

- Change the drawing brush size.

- Change the drawing brush color.

- Use the Canvas drawing line characteristics.

- Use the Canvas advance blocks.

- Use of Random Block.

- Get and Set Variable Value.

- Control Statement Output Based on Used Interaction.

- Use the List Block features.

- Upload Images into your App.

- Traverse Throughout the Photo Gallery.

- Use the List Block features.

- Upload Images into your App.

- Traverse Throughout the Photo Gallery.

- Create an integer List.

- Add elements to the list.

- Use of looping blocks to print the list elements.

- Using the Math blocks to find the sum of list elements.

- Use the textbox for user input.

- Use Math Equation.

- Use the Nested If Statement Blocks.

- Use the textbox for user input.

- Use Math Equation.

- Use the Nested If Statement Blocks.

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