A Beginners Guide to Online Book Launch

Published 2022-01-23
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 2
Number of Students 2
Price $39.99
McGee Mathews

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Marketing your Novel

Congratulations on finishing that novel. No matter how you publish the book, you are the marketing team. One favorite of authors and readers alike is the bookstore launch party. The pandemic left authors scrambling to replace in-person book signings with an online event to connect with buyers. In this class, I'll show you how to tap into the international market with online book promotion. Learn how to do superior live events and create recordings that engage your readers and motivate sales.

Topics include suggestions to improve your readings, selecting a memorable theme for your launch event, optimizing your home studio setup, and assorted free software to create a great live promotional post. I’ll demonstrate how to create a cartoon that is sure to capture the eye of your potential readers. You’ll learn how to post on Facebook, including streaming from another online platform. Once you’re finished your live presentation, save the recorded file to share on other sites. We will also consider software, both free and for purchase, to edit and improve your videos before you post them on social media for added exposure. I'll also include a question and answer session with an author's group where I discuss all things online launch event related.

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