A Comprehensive Course in Paranormal Investigations

Published 2022-06-14
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 3
Price $84.99
Nicole Walters

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Go from Beginner to Professional Ghost Investigation Specialist

Do you love the paranormal?  

In this course you will become a proficient paranormal investigator and gain all the important skills and knowledge needed to accomplish this.  Knowledge is power and experience is valuable.  We arm you with that knowledgeable power and give you hands-on experience with the included fun labs, experiments and projects so you get the valuable experience that you need.  This is a very complete course and goes in depth into very important subject matter concerning the paranormal.

You will learn all about the different types of ghosts and entities you may come across.  Working through the entire investigation procedure for all types of investigations, learning all about paranormal equipment, working with clients, video and audio paranormal methods and software for combing through your evidence, debunking evidence, safety, forms, agreements, interviews, legal matters, different types of hauntings, the dark side of the paranormal and putting your own team together will be just some of the detailed information that you will learn and be able to put to use.  Please check out the sections of our course and watch our promo video for more information about what you will learn.

Your instructor has 40 years of professional experience in the paranormal field and has been teaching others in this field for 30 years.  She is a specialist in the field of the paranormal.  She has make significant breakthroughs and specializes in paranormal experimentation.  She also practices and teaches psychic, magickal and esoteric ancient lost forbidden arts.

Nowhere else will you find a course like this as it is as comprehensive as this one and this valued course is so detailed that you will walk away as a competent paranormal investigative specialist.

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