Ableton Live For Beginners - Step By Step

Published 2021-12-09
Platform Udemy
Rating 3.88
Number of Reviews 3
Number of Students 540
Price Free
Gabriel Felix

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Samples, Clips, Shortcuts, Midi, Effects, Sidechain, And How To Produce Your Own Tracks

Are you a music maker, aspiring producer, or professional producer looking to up your game? This is the place to start.

Ableton Live can be a little intimidating. It's a powerful program, and it has some oddities that you have to get used to. But don't worry - that's what I'm here for.

We are going to be covering how to produce using Ableton Live, starting from working with clips, samples, beginners music concepts and going all the way up to some advanced production techniques.

You will find lessons about:

And more…

A great course for producers, musicians, and songwriters. You can use any version of Ableton Live. Including the 30-day free version on the official website

100% Answer Rate! Every single question posted to this class is answered within 24 hours by the instructor.


Class Project

Step 1: Choose a key.

Step 2: Choose at least 3 samples or virtual instruments

Step 3: Compose your arrangement according to the techniques you have learned during this course.

Step 4: Send your track to a musician friend and ask him or her to add some guitars, bass, or whatever instrument wants.

Produce and composing songs with other musicians it’s a great exercise to develop your skills.

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