Apprenticed to Magick (Theory, Practice and Ritual 2022)

Published 2022-05-28
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.72
Number of Reviews 22
Number of Students 94
Price $24.99
Andrew Austin

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Magical practice: Meditation, Mind Development, Qabalah and First Steps in Magical Ritual

Looking to begin your journey into the Western Magical Tradition? To explore the mysteries, gain mastery over the lower regions and walk amongst the Gods? In this introductory course packed with practical tips and tricks, Andrew T. Austin outlines the psychological model for magick and teaches the core ritual and meditation practices for any magical apprentice to the Western Magical Tradition.

In Apprenticed to Magick you will learn the invoking and banishing forms of the pentagrams, the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram as well as the principles of invocation and evocation. Additionally, instructions in brain training are also offered along with an introduction to the parallels between the Qabalistic and Tarot systems with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Starting out in a Qabalistic lodge and Order in 1990, Andrew T. Austin is a magician with over 30 years of experience in ceremonial magick. A former registered nurse (A&E, Neurosurgery) he is a Freemason, Oddfellow, Discordian Pope and is an initiate of The Ordo Templi Orientis amongst other magical and occult Orders. Professionally he is a lecturer in mental health and psychotherapy with particular reference to archetypes and metaphor as applied to the human experience.

Whilst many people associate magick with pseudo-occult practices such as ouija boards and mediumship, far removed from any attempted exploration of the supernatural realms, Magick is defined as, "The art and science of causing a change to occur in conformity with Will." This is not the path of the fantasist, the faint of heart or the lazy. Magick is a personal discipline of self-development and as such, provides the ultimate spiritual approach for personal mastery and development of the True Will.

Apprenticed to Magick will give an excellent foundation to the philosophies, rituals and mysticism of Magick for any aspirant seeking full initiation into the mysteries of the Western Magical Tradition. Armed with the practices taught in Apprenticed to Magick, the aspirant will be able to confidently approach initiatory Orders with a grounding in core practices.

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