Asset Management

Published 2022-02-26
Platform Udemy
Price $24.99
Reverend Deandra Averhart

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Protecting You, Your Money & Your Children

In the physical realm we protect our assets by purchasing home security systems, car insurance and car alarms for our vehicles, safe deposit boxes, life insurance, and home insurance. The same level of protection is needed for our spiritual assets. It is unwise to invest time, energy, and experiences in our personal transformation and development and not protect the work we have done in building and establishing boundaries, revamping our mindsets and redesigning our futures.

The intention for this course is to teach protection measures utilizing alchemy and Hoodoo.

Through hands on activities, learners will create personal items designed and curated for personal spiritual protection.

Lecture #1

Discover how your actions and behaviors can contribute to your child's karma.

Lecture #2

Whether you are an entrepreneur, CEO, or an employee, you want to protect your current money flow and increase the flow of money in your life. This lecture will teach you how using herbs, astrology and other talisman.

Lecture #3

Learn the cultural and spiritual principles of ancestor money and its connection to your money mindset, your current money energy, and your personal and financial karma.

Lecture #4

Learn how to create a personal protection body wash using ingredients outlined in scripture.

Lecture #5

Learn how to create a personal protection body oil using ingredients outlined in scripture.

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