Basics of Financial Literacy for Women

Published 2021-11-23
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.71
Number of Reviews 23
Number of Students 665
Price Free
Anaya Jethanandani

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Developing skills and knowledge to make informed and effective decisions regarding your personal finance management.

Women are still behind men struggling to make financial decisions. Though many women are working professionals and are placed in top positions, yet they are not very clear about financial matters. To feel truly liberated, women should have the ability to make financial decisions to lead her life, and ultimately bridge the gender finance gap in our society! This course will help you gain an insight into the understanding of these topics further. From tracking your spending, budgeting, saving to investments and debt cycle traps, this course covers it all.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

Through the course an important character, Maya, will help us understand the reality of financial dependence and the steps she takes to become truly financially literate.

To be an independent decision maker is not just about saving, spending and investing money but the empowerment it can give you. It boosts self-confidence and esteem and can make you feel more secure and respected, irrespective of your socio-economic background. In the 21st century where gender equality is prominent and rising in action, learning financial skills is a must!

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