Beginner Dog Training Course

Published 2022-04-22
Platform Udemy
Price $29.99
Carole Kelly

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Dog training for beginners

Give your dog a good start and the freedom of an education !

30 plus years of proven and effective lessons and techniques compressed into 1hr and 14mins.

Study and learn at your own pace.  This class is perfect for the beginner or those looking for a refresher course.  Great for the winter months or those with a busy lifestyle.

In this beginner course we will go over all the basics, including;

The benefits of training your dog...

  1. It can save you money and time.

  2. Creates a safer environment.

  3. Builds a strong bond between you and your dog.

  4. Creates a solid foundation to move on to more advanced training or competition.

  5. You and your dog will have a great start to complete the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen Test.

You will walk away with the knowledge to not only give your dog a better life, but you, your family, and community will all benefit as well.

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