Beginner Singing Course For Men - Sing Better Today

Published 2020-02-28
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.55
Number of Reviews 343
Number of Students 2034
Price $119.99
Adam Mishan

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Find your singing voice naturally and have fun doing it! A modern approach to singing lessons & voice training.

This course will get you on your way to becoming an excellent singer... fast! Believe it or not, SINGING IS A SKILL NOT A TALENT!  Anyone can learn to sing with the right guidance. We'll break down the voice into it's fundamental parts to demystify the many aspects of singing.

The course includes:

Learning to sing is about learning the proper muscle memory and habits. Your mindset and your emotions are also very important when it comes to singing. You'll learn how to let stress and fear fall to the wayside.

This is the perfect course for TOTAL BEGINNERS, don't worry if you've never had a lesson in your life! I got you. If your goal is to sing Pop, Rock, Country, Blues, R&B, Indie, Alternative... any popular style of music, this course is a great match for you.

In order for this system to work for you...

- You do NOT need any "natural" musical talent, singing talent, or previous vocal training

- You do NOT need to know anything about technique or how your voice works (in fact, the less you know the better, because you'll have fewer bad habits to overcome)

- You do NOT need to understand music theory, or even know how to read music

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