Biomechanics for Beginners Crash Course

Published 2022-01-18
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 2
Number of Students 538
Price $19.99
Jamie De Smit

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Learn how to improve performance using Biomechanics!

Hello and welcome, Mr D here!

I'm a PE teacher, online resource creator, video creator and Exercise and Sport Scientist. I love learning about the body and the ways to make it perform better! Biomechanics is brilliant for this. It provides a methodical and analytical approach to understanding how the body works by drawing on the fields of science, maths and physics. When applied to sports performance, this allows us to learn why the best athletes in the world can do what they do and gives us concrete steps to improve our own performance on the field!

This crash course is designed to help students, athletes and sportspeople gain a better understanding of how their body works and how we can use physics, science and analysis to improve performance (And decrease injury!). Biomechanics is a fascinating science and is increasingly being used by elite athletes sports teams all over the world!

This course is useful for anyone studying VCE PE, HSC PDHPE, GCSE PE or similar courses in Year 11 or 12 as well as first year uni students!

This course will introduce you to:

These are the key concepts that are guaranteed to be on most exams, tests and assessments!

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Mr D, your online PE Buddy

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