Body Sculpting Pilates with Props

Published 2021-03-22
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.89
Number of Reviews 6
Number of Students 49
Price $34.99
Orsi Yoga Pilates

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Pilates from Zero to Hero

Welcome to my Body Sculpting Pilates with Props Series. With the help of this video series, you will learn to work out alone adapt and modify the exercises for yourself according to your current needs. You will learn how to progress or regress the level of some exercises and how to modify them. You will also understand the basics and alignments of Pilates. The program is suitable for any age, body type and you can join from any level.

In this program, I created 4 videos for each level from beginners to advanced. All of these videos are 30 min long. In the first video, I always show the pure exercises without additional props at the following one we are using the long elastic at the 3rd short elastic, and at the last, we incorporate water bottles. The water bottles are replacing the weights. At the extra tracks, I am introducing how to work out with a big ball, a small stability ball, a power circle and stretching and mobility flow.

The minimum amount of props I use makes this series suitable for someone, who would like to perform these exercises from home or while traveling.

I trust you will find my program really useful for achieving your objectives.

See you at the series,

Have a lovely day,


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