Build 10 Real World Apps with Flutter

Published 2022-06-17
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.70
Number of Reviews 5
Number of Students 77
Price $19.99
Sivaram Nalliboyana

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10 Apps from beginner to advanced using different state managements, databases, apis, webscraping and more in flutter

You have learned flutter and want to gain practical experience ? You wanna add up some awesome flutter apps to your resume ? Then this is the perfect course for you .

In this course we are gonna build 10 real world apps from beginner to advanced level. starting from a basic bill split app to advancing to a complex news reader app using tts and apis. Furthermore we will cover lots of different topics like basic widgets, working with timer in flutter, retro themes, sound effects , text to speech ,image filtering and e.t.c.

And not to forget, we will also use a new state managements every time, starting from normal setState to provider, riverpod, bloc ,rxdart and getx. One more cool thing we are gonna learn is how to implement web scraping in flutter easily which is rare.  Then of course we are also gonna work a lot with apis, sending data to a api, or also receiving data back . And at last , we will also work with databases, starting from a local sqlite database to using a firebase server.

So as you can see, this is a big exciting course covering lots of things and gaining practical knowledge. In each section you will always learn something new. Detailed explanations and previews of the apps are available for you to have a brief look

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