Build a decentralized Library management app with solidity

Published 2022-06-03
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 3
Number of Students 1011
Price $24.99
Rahul Agarwal

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Master the art of building web3 application using Solidity, Hardhat, Ethers and React

Blockchain is a key technology behind Web3. It is most-often associated with the cryptocurrency bitcoin and is the technology that underpins it. The bitcoin blockchain is a public ledger of activity of the bitcoin network. But bitcoin is not owned by a single company or person and it is not issued by a central authority like a central bank. Instead, it is decentralized and the network is maintained by a global group of people running specialized computers.

In this course we will learn how to create a complete decentralized Personal Library Management application from scratch. We will be using Solidity for the smart contract, hardhat for testing and deployment purpose, Ethers js to communicate with the contract, Metamask to sign the transaction, Next js for the frontend and Alchemy as the blockchain node provider. By the end of the course you will understand all the concepts required to apply for a developer job or even build your own application on the Ethereum blockchain.

Our stack

As cryptocurrency and blockchain attain their increasing success rate every year, there is an increase in job opportunities provided in blockchain and cryptocurrency sector. The jobs in blockchain are growing at an exponential rate of 2,000-6,000% while offering salaries higher than 50-100% than conventional developers. In the field of blockchain, one can work as a blockchain developer.

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