Cash Flow Budgeting in Excel

Published 2021-05-04
Platform Udemy
Rating 2.37
Number of Reviews 5
Number of Students 632
Price Free
Scott Ratliff

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Easy to use budget template in Microsoft Excel

Learn how to control your money; tell it where to go instead of wondering where it went!  In this course, I will show you the same tool I use for tracking my expenses over the past 3 years.  This tool has enabled me to spend less, save more, and meet my financial goals!  This tool has built-in accountability and is great for both couples or individuals.  The tool is available for Microsoft Excel.  You may even learn a few Excel tips and tricks along the way!

You will learn how to track past transactions, predict and plan for future transactions, and how to ensure that you have enough money in your checking account to pay for what you need.  The built-in accountability will not only force you to spend less and save more, but it will give you the freedom to splurge on the things you plan for!  Budgeting doesn't have to be restrictive and scary.  When you plan for fun, it is even more fun!

Once you start tracking each transaction, you will naturally begin to challenge them.  You will start to ask yourself "Is this what I want to be spending my money on?"  You will start to focus your money on what matters and then you realize you will have more of it because you won't be wasting it on things you do not find important.  This is how the Cash Flow Budget system brings built-in accountability.

I look forward to having you in the course!

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