Chi Massage Method

Published 2022-05-16
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 2
Price $84.99

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World Class Massage Sequence

The Chi Massage Method offers a system of practical application and a comprehensive approach to a variety of modalities and techniques. This method brings the highest standard of care to the client while keeping the therapist in optimal operating health. The course walks the therapist through a step-by-step protocol that will bring the client into a deep state of relaxation and tranquility. It will offer clear and concise instruction on “The What” to do, and “The How” to do it.

This course is dense! To better understand how you should approach and apply this information, you need to start by asking yourself two questions: first “Why am I here?” Here in this incarnation? Here in this occupation? Here in this class? If you’re like me, you love, and you are here now, in this moment because like me, you are here to serve. The second question is: “What do I want?” Do you want to watch this course quickly once, pick out a nice stroke or a cool move and apply them to your current offerings? Perfect. Do you want to maybe watch it a few times, perhaps picking up a handful of golden nuggets that can really make an impact in your treatments? Perfect. Or do you want to totally transform your massage practice into a healing career? Perfect. The answer to that question will determine the amount of time and effort you put into this class and life for that matter. There is no wrong way to do this.

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