Complete Lightworker Masterclass

Published 2022-06-04
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 1
Number of Students 16
Price $84.99
Magical Arts

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Transform Your Life with Energy Healing, Shadow Work, Psychic Protection, Cord Cutting, and Manifest Synchronicities

Let there be Light! In this fantastic course on becoming a Lightworker, the focus is on getting you to the level of helping others with your natural gifts! And shining your Light outwardly wherever you go.

Imagine a world where everyone awakens to their true abilities that lie within them to help one another live in a more peaceful and harmonious way with the rest of the Universe by bringing the Light of the unseen world into reality.

Learn how to see the miraculous that was always there.

This course covers training and various practices, such as:

May the world come together in peace and spread the Light, and I will be looking forward to seeing you in my course!


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