Connections that Count - Mini Mastermind

Published 2022-06-13
Platform Udemy
Price $19.99

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Supporting you to up level your business by networking, pitching and making connections that count.

Connections that Count, Mini-mastermind


Here at UpHub, we support entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and CEOs on their journey to success and beyond!

We understand making long-lasting business connections can be hard, daunting, and sometimes scary!

That's why we have created Connections that Count - and decided to offer it to you FOR A FANTASTIC PRICE!

In this mini masterclass, you will get a taster of what's life like inside of UpHub Mastermind. Our mini masterclass is jam-packed with amazingness and support; enabling you to uplevel your business connections, learn how to network effectively - whilst giving you all the tools you need to be able to go out into the wide world and network with ease and for success.

In this mini masterclass, Saskia will share with you our expert 'know-how to pitch'. Whilst Tamzin will support you to network online effectively... (although the tips shared will be relevant to F2F networking as well!)

PLUS we will challenge you to immediately apply what you've learned into practice and network, collaborate, and make connections that count.

We just know you are going to love this mini-mastermind - so grab your pen and notebook and get stuck in.

If you want to find out more about UpHub Mastermind, please visit our website.

Saskia & Tamzin

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