Database & SQL practice test for certification & interview

Published 2021-10-23
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 5
Price $19.99

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300+ interview and certification Question and answers for Database and SQL

Here you can find 300+ interview and certification Question and answers for Database and SQL

In this course you will learn:

What is database?

What is SQL

What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?

what is DBMS?

what is RDBMS?

What are VDL and SDL?

Define Database Lock and its types.

Differentiate between ‘Cluster’ and ‘Non-cluster’ index.

Explain the Data Dictionary.

What is Database Triggers?

What is a stored procedure?

What is recursive stored procedure?

Differentiate between ‘DELETE’, ‘TRUNCATE’ and ‘DROP’ commands.

What are tables and Fields?

What is a primary key?

What is a unique key?

What is a foreign key?

What are the types of join

What is an Index?

What are all the different types of indexes?

What is a query?

What is subquery?

What is data Integrity?

What is collation?

What is CLAUSE?

What is Normalization?

What is Denormalization?

Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve only unique values?

Which of the following data types does the SQL standard not support?

Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve a maximum value?

Drop Table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a..........._ constraint.

In SQL, which command is used to changes data in a table?

A subquery in an SQL SELECT statement is enclosed in:

What values does the count(*) function ignore?

The SQL keyword(s)........... is used with wildcards.

Which of the following is a correlated subquery?

The relations that are declared in SQL through CREATE VIEW statements are classified as

Which command is used to remove a table from the database in SQL?

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