Development in Christian Thought

Published 2022-04-30
Platform Udemy
Price $89.99
Julie Arliss

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An Advanced Course for Deep Thinkers: Wisdom and Authority

There have been numerous conflicting claims in Christianity about sources of wisdom and authority, raising conflict between Christian groups. While some Christians trust an institution to decide big questions, others prefer personal conscience like the authority of a text or guidance from an individual of great wisdom, such as Jesus. Who is right, and how can you decide? Without bias, this course gives insight into the historical context and theological arguments so you can make up your mind. Is the Bible more authoritative than the Church? Does the Church have sole right to interpret the Bible, or can the individual reader understand for themselves?

The course examines and evaluates the following sources of wisdom and authority in Christianity:

This fascinating course will help you understand the past, including the town you live in and where you will find a beautiful Church built and honoured by past generations, full of history, with a story to tell.

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