Divine Healing Master Course

Published 2022-06-07
Platform Udemy
Price $19.99
Bedward Ortiz

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Get Results Praying For The Sick

Be part og what God is doing on earth. Preaching the gospel and healing the sick is a command. Take this course and run with the vision that God has given you.

When you read the Gospel you can't help but notice that a big part of Jesus's ministry was healing the sick. He healed blind people, deaf people, lame people, people with leprosy and even rose the dead. He did all this to fulfill prophecy said about Him coming to heal and the people free from their bondage.

He then sent the twelve to do the same and guess what... they healed the sick and rose the dead as well. Then there seventy sent to the same. And it is our turn to go and preach and heal and bring the fruits to our master Jesus Christ.

In this course you will learn eternal truths about divine healing that will work forever. God does not change the truth from time to time. The word of God remains forever and ever. This course will help you get started with this powerful ministry of God's power.

All that you need is to know the truth of God's word. Enough faith to put it to practice and a relationship with the Holy Spirit of God.

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