Fabfilter Pro-MB

Published 2020-11-05
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 3
Number of Students 27
Price $49.99
Jor van der Poel

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Creative Mixing and Production with Fabfilter Pro-MB

Downward & Upward Compression and Expansion, (Noise) Gates, Transient Designers, when to use which one, and for what purpose? Dynamic Processing has always been notoriously difficult to master. As such, It should be no surprise that Pro-MB, Fabfilter's flagship dynamics shaper, can be tricky to wrap your head around.

As a Multiband Dynamics Processor it goes far beyond regular compression or even less-regular multiband compression. It can bring immense power to your mix, make any instrument cut through or completely transform the dynamic contour of your productions.

From subtle dynamic improvements to wildly exciting sound design - In this course we'll take an in-depth look at all the different possibilities. You'll gain insight in the magical world of dynamics which, aided by numerous examples, you'll instantly be able to apply to the various stages of your own music production.

Whether you are just starting out, or a seasoned producer; this online course is designed to help you get the absolute most out of Fabfilter Pro-MB and make you a true master of Dynamics. You will be able to tell the difference between upward & downward processing, know when to use each one, and how to manipulate dynamics to bring your music to life.

Lesson Plan

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