Footwork Training

Published 2021-11-24
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 1
Number of Students 3
Price $19.99
Dr. Gennady Tyshler

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Fencing Footwork

The training of the fencers’ footwork on the piste is directed towards the development of initial and final positions of the athlete during the bout, as well as maintaining of necessary motor standards. The execution of technique is based on speed-power leg movements and their co-ordination during shortening and lengthening of distances. In its turn, stamina has a stabilizing effect on torso position and achieving precision in blade actions. As a result, footwork training exercises are also aimed at increasing the level of fencer’s motor characteristics.

It is particularly effective to perform combinations of attacking and maneuvering actions serially, as it combines the specialization of both athlete’s movement speed and leg power, increases the displacements of weapon arm and leg movements, and increases the levels of agility and stamina.

In the recommended exercises, the training methodology is systematized as specific footwork methods and sequential directives for development of the level of their execution. There are also combinations of attacking techniques and maneuvering actions, the application of which characterizes modern sports fencing

When moving during a fencing bout, it is necessary to maintain a good Enguard position to facilitate precision and accuracy when making actions with the weapon. Learn correct footwork techniques with more than 50 exercises included in this video instructional fencing course. The selected exercises specialize the athlete's speed of movements for fencing, improves leg strength, increases amplitude of arm and leg movements and, improves agility and endurance.

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