Fundamentals of Financial Independence

Published 2021-02-02
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 22
Price $29.99
Up Plex Institute

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Your Journey towards your Financial Independence

Fundamental of Financial Independence (FI) is a course that focuses on helping you understand what is FI to you.  It is a course to help you identify your position in the Spectrum From Financial Dependency to Financial abundance.  This is the first step to the develop a personalized plan to advance your journey.  This curse is designed for adult learners who are determine to gain control of their finances, but most importantly, their time.  It  uses concise information and tools that you get to personalize and apply for years to come. These tools will grow with you and are adaptable as you grow your net worth, re-define your budget, diversify your investments, etc.  Just in case its not clear yet.... this curse is for you, about you and designed to fit YOUR current financial situation. 

Your instructors will share their personal story and FI journeys to show you that the skills you learn here are 100% applicable and when applied diligently, WILL save YOU money and put you YEARS ahead of others in the same purse for FI! 


· You will be able to ask your instructors as many questions as you like

· You will get a lifetime access to this course and any updates, without any limits!

· If your don't save at least what you paid for the curse in the first month of applying the principles learned here, you get 100% of your money back!

· You have 30- Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied you can get 100% of your money back.

So don't hesitate Enroll Now or gift it to someone you would love to see Financially Independent.

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