THE GREEN CARD LOTTERY: The Ultimate Guide To Apply and Win

Published 2021-12-21
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.65
Number of Reviews 4
Number of Students 317
Price $29.99
Ernest B. Makulilo (EBM SCHOLARS)

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How to properly apply for FREE, win, and succeed as immigrant in the United States

This course is a guide for all who have dreams to come to the United States and become Permanent Residents (Green Card Holders) along the way. There are so many ways one person can get Green Card. Among them, is through the Diversity Visa Program or rather Green Card Lottery. The course is a 2-hours-long video broken into sections. Each section has an important part in the larger part of the course.

At the end of the course, you will be able to:

Millions of people each year take the opportunity to apply for the Diversity Visa Lottery Program, to get an opportunity to relocate to the United States and become Permanent Residents (Green Card Holders). Unfortunately, many of them are automatically rejected for mistakes they are doing while doing the DV Lottery application. While others are denied the visas despite winning. There are mistakes while applying which cost them during the interview or sometimes fail to meet requirements.

This course, therefore, provides you with an ultimate guide on how to properly apply which will help to increase your chances of winning and being given the visa.

I am sharing my 14 years of experience as an immigrant in the United States, and more importantly, experiences as an immigration content creator and consultant.

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