Understanding Team Dynamics & Styles, Plain & Simple

Published 2022-03-03
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.90
Number of Reviews 6
Number of Students 29
Price $34.99

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Learn how you can be a highly functional team player in healthcare

Highly functional teams can improve the healthcare experience by:

Many healthcare organizations struggle with how to gain consensus on the extremely important initiatives to improve our healthcare systems.  Many team members struggle with how to communicate effectively with fellow team members, especially when those team members come from a different mindset than themselves.

The topics covered in this "Intro to Team Dynamics in Healthcare" course are:

The basic concepts behind team building are often presented in a very complex, difficult to understand style. This "PLAIN AND SIMPLE" series different. It strives to introduce the basic concepts of team styles and dynamics in a very simple and easy to understand pragmatic format.  This course is targeted at the entry level (Basic and Intermediate Level) learner.

The content of the series is based on the author's 35 years of experience in the healthcare business. This experience spans product design and launch, marketing, business development and executive management (including president). In addition, it is based on 15 years teaching at the graduate level in the University environment.

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