Handling the Aspects of Divorce from Personal Experience

Published 2022-04-21
Platform Udemy
Price $19.99
Beverly Reynolds

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Actions to Take to Improve Your Life as a Divorcee

Welcome to the “Handling the Aspects of Divorce from Personal Experience” course – where you learn what it takes to believe in YOU!

In this course, you will hear several stories and accounts of my experience that allowed me to push forward. My goal is to inspire you for positivity and change!

When we share our experiences with others – they will come to know that they are not alone. Strength and support often come in the most unlikely of places and from the most unlikely sources.

As a result of your experiences, someone around you might experience change where otherwise they might now have or it may mean they are able to get past the challenges in a more efficient manner.

Divorce can take a toll on a divorcee in ways they had not thought possible. It can present in a lack of sleep, the influx of rollercoaster emotions, fears, sadness, and more. If we can pause and reflect on the moments that contributed to our divorce, we can transform ourselves and our decisions to make way for success in several areas of our life – including finances, friendships, future relationships, and more.

Let us get started on this journey of discovery together.

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