Handstand Guide for Intermediate

Published 2021-03-17
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 3
Number of Students 29
Price $49.99
Kerstin Oschabnig

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Finding freedom in movement

This Handstand Guide is for intermediate and advanced handstand practicionairs. It's recommended to have a basic understanding for handstand alignment and each body parts role. Ideally you want to be able to balance your first few seconds freely on the hands when starting this course. If this is not the case, please go and check out the Handstand Guide for Beginners. All exercises require to feel comfortable with falling savely and doing free standing handstands (there's almost no wall exercise).

In this Handstand Guide you'll find many exercises and progressions which will bring you closer to your handstand goals. First we start with cleaning up the foundations and expanding the handstand vocabulary. Repetition and precision are two keywords in handstand training. This is why the "tricks" are built up in progressions. Let's take the tuck handstand as an example: Even if the pre-exercises might feel "easy". Do them hundret of times on the floor, instead of skipping them, trying them on the hands and getting frustrated about not managing to do it right. Developing a good handstand technique is a process that needs time. So take your time and enjoy the journey!

To add some fun, we explore different shapes, isolations and leg patterns. This will help you to find freedom in movement and will help you to expand the time you can balance on your hands. Included in each chapter you find strengthening and flexibility exercises, as those components are crutial to be able to advance further.

I'm looking forward to see your training progress!

Enjoy the journey!

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