How To Build A Profitable KDP, ACX & Ingramspark Business

Published 2022-05-07
Platform Udemy

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How To Build A High content Non-Fiction Publishing Business

Do you want to learn how to build a profitable high content publishing business on KDP, ACX and Ingramspark?

I have tried a lot of online business models over the last few years and no matter how deeply I try to explore a new venture I always find myself coming back to publishing.

‘Passive income' is a word that gets thrown around quite often nowadays. The truth of the matter is that no income is truly passive, but with that said, Publishing books on these three platforms is by far the closest thing to truly passive income today in terms of online business.

This course takes you from A-Z on KDP for high-content publishing, from showing you how to open and set up your KDP account to running your ads and maintaining them well, all will be covered.

Audiobooks make up the majority of my income and I am so excited about the audiobook market and what is to come in the next few years. The ACX section of this course will show you how to find profitable keywords, find narrators at an affordable rate, how to bundle up your audiobooks to give you the greatest chance of success in this industry and many more important and valuable lessons.

Ingramspark is another income stream for our books and one that many publishers unfortunately are headless over. They are a distributor who distributes our books to retailers. Ingramspark presents a great opportunity as it puts your book In front of a potential 40,000 book retailers and their clientele. Ingramspark has also more recently become an important income stream for me and I will also show you how to set up for success on this platform.

This course has over 10+ done for you templates that are ready for you to copy and paste your work into!

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