How to DIY Australian Partner Visa Without a Lawyer

Published 2021-07-28
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $29.99
Joanna Chen

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Complete Guidance on submitting Australian Partner visas with MARA agent

Want to join your Australian Partner? The Australian Visa Visa is very complex and the legal fee is quite high.  On top of the legal fee, you are also required to pay a very high immigration charge. So you want to do it yourself but you do not know whether you are doing it in the right way ?

But don't know how?

Or maybe the lawyer fee is too expensive and the process is too complicated?

No worries. This course provides step-by-step guidance on how to successfully obtain your Australian Partner Visa.

By end of this course, you will be able to complete your own Australian Partner visa application and obtain your Australian permanent residency without hiring an immigration lawyer!

This course covers three core areas:

  1. Understand Critical Requirement of Partner visa grant

  2. Preparing Your Supporting Documents;

  3. Submitting your visa application.

This course is designed by Australian Registered Migration agent Joanna Chen (MARN: 1801905) who has extensive experience in securing Australian visas for individuals! Enrolling in this course will ensure you have comprehensive knowledge of how Joanna helps others to achieve their Australian dreams! 

You can either take this course on one go or take step by step while submitting your visa application.

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