How to get Diamond in soloQ | League of Legends | Season 12

Published 2021-07-19
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.17
Number of Reviews 70
Number of Students 149
Price $94.99
Csaba Nyujtó

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A comprehensive League of Legends course that helps you climb in soloQ fast, consistently. The goal is to reach Diamond.

Are you tired of being stuck in elohell? No matter how hard you try, something always goes wrong? Are you always unlucky and you get bad teammates? Are you sure that you know the real reason you can't climb in soloQ?

I truly believe that climbing in soloQ is not a matter of luck (in the long term). Anyone can reach Diamond if he has a decent computer, a stable internet connection and two hands. All you need to do is to: get into a good mental state, pick the right champion, win lane then make good macro decisions. Sounds easy right? Well... Only 1% of League of legends players reach Diamond so it's not that easy. The funny thing is if you have the right guidance you can reach 60% winrate in a long term and eventually you will land in Diamond. If you know what really matters in ranked then after a few games you will just feel what is the right and what is the wrong decision in certain situations.

What will you learn in this course:

+ You'll get a FREE low elo soloQ tier list!

If you want to save time and energy buy the course NOW! No more bad games! Trust me it will be a great feeling when you reach Diamond!

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: If you don't like the course for any reason you can ask for your money back in 30 days. Trust me there will be no hard feelings between us!

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