How To Market Better Content with SEMrush

Published 2022-04-29
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 2
Price $19.99
Keela Buford

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For Your Job, Your Clients, Yourself! (To rank in search engines with compelling topics and the right search terms)

By the end of this tour (a.k.a. this course), you'll know how to use SEMrush to make content outlines and complete content pages really simple in really simple terms with really simple methods.

In this course, you'll:

· Learn how to discover the right keywords to use to make the right content

· Decipher SEMrush language in a very easy-to-understand way

· See how to fall in line with competing, currently ranking content pages in search engines

· Learn how to shape better headers and keywords for your content

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

· No prior marketing certification or experience is needed.

Who this course is for:

· Marketers stepping more into a strategy role and new content specialists

Course Breakdown:

Part 1: Using SEMrush to create competitive content

a. Using SEMrush to find competitive keywords

Navigate with purpose around the SEO Marketing Dashboard in the land of SEMrush to land on the most relevant topic and supporting keywords for your desired content

b. Using SEMrush to find paired/additional phrases

Navigate with purpose around the Content Marketing Dashboard in the land of SEMrush to land on the most relevant phrases to pair with your keywords for your desired content

Part 2: Using SEMrush to optimize content

Gain full spatial awareness of key Competitive Research tools under the SEO Dashboard and SEO Content Template and Writing Assistant under the Content Marketing Dashboard for boosted content

Part 3: Using SEMrush to outline content

Take your SEMrush content and keyword discoveries and place them in your first-step tour guide: a content outline

Get to traveling with this tour guide to better content for your own tourists, a.k.a. your content/page visitors.

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