How to See and Read Auras

Published 2022-06-17
Platform Udemy
Price $24.99
Sean Collyns

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With Sean Collyns, Psychic Medium

Aura Reading is a form of Divination that Psychics, Mystics & Healers have used for centuries.

To see someone's Auric field is to see a representation of: who they are as a person, what they have been through, what they are going through and what is coming up for them. It is a way of grasping a much greater understanding of other people and yourself in a way that the 5 physical senses cannot.

This Mastermind Course is a step by step guide in visually opening up to the energetic world around us. You will learn how to shift your attention to your 3rd eye centre & use your natural predominant abilities to begin seeing and observing energy.

You will learn how to interpret that energy and understand why it presents itself in certain ways. You will also be taught the way of which this ability can benefit you for the rest of your life!

With 4 lessons packed with high quality information from an internationally trained Psychic Medium and a Guided Activation in which you will be able to observe your own Aura, this course has value far beyond its cost!

This course will assist you to unlock a dormant part of your mind and open the doorway to "seeing" Auras & Energy.

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