How to Soft Launch Your Mobile App for Optimal Success

Published 2018-06-06
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.03
Number of Reviews 32
Number of Students 121
Price $49.99
Steve Young

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Discover how to build a minimum viable product (MVP) and how to test your app idea to ensure maximum success.

successful soft launch is the best way to optimize your app or game for widespread release. A soft launch is a limited release of your app, usually on a regional basis, that allows you to see what the initial reaction to your app or game is like.

This technique has grown in popularity, with many developers trying the tactic before tackling major markets like the US, Canada, UK and other popular countries. There are many advantages to the soft launch such as receiving early customer feedback, gaining positive reviews and ironing out any bugs that you missed during testing.

Soft launch your game or app the right way and you can enjoy more than early downloads. Find out how to take advantage of a crucial stage in release and give users the best version of your app or game!

You will discover how to soft launch your app to maximize its potential for success. Inside this course, you will discover how to cheaply acquire beta users, what metrics you should focus on and what tools you should use to track your users.

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