How to Travel Around the World on a Budget

Published 2020-12-14
Platform Udemy
Rating 4.84
Number of Reviews 103
Number of Students 239
Price $84.99
Maxime Angelini

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The Most Complete and Updated Travel Course! Get the Best Travel Tips to Plan your World Trip without breaking the bank!

Hey, my name is Maxime Angelini and I have visited almost 80 countries at only 28 year-old.

Do you want to know how to travel on a budget? Do you think you don't have enough money to start your journey?

I'm not a content creator making a travel course, I'm a die-hard traveler, using my spare time this year to help and inspire others to set on a trip abroad. I genuinely want my course to let students realize their dreams.

In this Course I will teach you everything you need to know to plan your round-the-world trip. You'll learn how to stay safe and healthy during your travels while being able to reduce your expenses concerning accommodation, food, transportation and activities.

After following this course, I can guarantee you will be able to travel the world on anywhere between 0 and 50$ a day, depending on how adventurous you are!

This course is suitable for any traveler, no matter how much you have traveled before. You'll learn tips and ideas I guarantee you have never seen before anywhere else!

Ready to get started?

Enroll Now and get immediate access to all the features of this course and my personal feedback.

I'll see you in the course,



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