Humanistic Communication Strategies

Published 2022-05-19
Platform Udemy
Rating 3.00
Number of Reviews 1
Number of Students 1
Price $19.99

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Learn how to combine humility, compassion and personal responsibility into an effective communication strategy

Have you ever had to deal with someone unpleasant? And you think to yourself that this person is an idiot, but you verbally say something polite and the other person responds as if you just insulted them? Do you know why that happens? It’s because most humans are really adept at reading body language and tone of voice. We understand the meaning and the emotional intent even if it is not said out loud.

If we want to improve our communication skills, we have to stop thinking horrible things about other people while trying to communicate with them. Seriously, we won’t make much progress until we do.

A lot of conflicts in the workplace are either misunderstandings or miscommunication. These go unresolved, fester and start to interfere with the work that needs to be done because of lack of trust and interpersonal anger.

To help fix these problems we are going to discuss how to re-humanize the people you are having communication problems with so that you can fix the problem ethically, effectively and compassionately. The goal is for both of you to feel good about the relationship again.

This is all about personal responsibility. If you are having communication problems with someone – it is YOUR responsibility to change YOUR behavior so that YOU fix the problem. Don’t wait for or expect the other person to change for you. You change for them.

This program answers the question: How can we create specific communication strategies we can employ when we find that we have a communication problem, regardless of what is causing it?

Join this course, and find out!

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