Case Study: Issues of Foreign Investors doing Business in US

Published 2021-02-04
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $24.99
Illumeo Learning
Marc Schwartz (Illumeo)

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The course focuses on issues that non-US companies or individuals face investing in or conducting business in the US.

This course is for non-tax and tax professionals alike. In addition to US-based individuals, it will also likely be of use to non-US persons working with groups that have US operations and/or other US investments.

The US has complex tax rules that apply whenever there is an international/global component to any transaction, whether for personal investment or for business, and these rules are broken down into two broad categories: Inbound and Outbound. This course focuses on issues that non-US companies and individuals face when investing in and/or conducting business in the US - Inbound.

This is an overview course focusing on a case study since we find people have better retention of the rules when seen in a real-life context focusing on actual business and investment issues. Each of the issues we touch upon may be the subject of a more advanced course. As such, it is ideal for both tax and non-tax professionals that desire a general understanding of the rules so they can begin to identify the material issues and how they affect the bottom line for businesses and individuals.

We will cover:

· Under what circumstances the US has a right to tax income.

· When foreign persons have a US business presence and when their investment income might be taxed.

· Withholding rules.

· Investing in US real estate.

· Impact of FBAR/financial account disclosure.

· How do I get my money out of the US?

· The impact of tax treaties.

· All with a practical business focus that makes this a good course for even non-tax people.

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