Introduction to Graph Databases, Neo4j & Cypher

Published 2021-12-28
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 7
Price $19.99

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Learning to work with Neo4j and Cypher Query Language

Neo4j was valued at 2 billion in 2021, and raised a substantial sum for its funding rounds - graph databases are becoming increasingly used in fraud detection, influence analysis, transportation networks, and for generating knowledge graphs.

In Part 1, the course begins with an introduction to graph theory concepts, including, the history of graph theory,  introducing the learner to NoSQL databases, after providing a context on the history of database development.

Then, the course introduces the learner to one of the graph databases - Neo4j, and the associated query language, Cypher. Cypher will likely constitute the foundation of a standardized graph query language, and learning Cypher will not limit one's application to Neo4j alone. The course touches upon how it is easy for any learner transitioning from SQL to easily grasp Cypher.

Part 2 of the course focuses on querying with the Cypher Query language on the Movies dataset built into Neo4j, so the learner becomes familiar with using the Cypher query language:

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