JavaScript Programming Inside Out : The Complete Reference

Published 2022-06-18
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 2
Price $19.99
Prof . Mathew K K Kanhirathinkal Kurian

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General Introduction to JS. Setting up Environment. JS loops. JS Number . JS ES6 version. Cookies in JS. Call & Apply fn

Introduction to JavaScript. How to setup Environment for running JS code. Basic examples explained. Types of JS comments. Single line and multiline. Examples on keyword let. JS basic operators. Examples of special operators. JS if-else statement . JS looping constructs. JS do-while loop. Difference between while and do-while. JS break and continue statements. Functions explained. Using Object constructor.

JS Events. JS Strings. JS String slice() function. JS Math. constants and methods. JS Number, JS Boolean etc. JS Arrays. Popping and pushing in arrays. JS Array methods. Using splice() to remove elements. Sorting Arrays in JS. Finding lowest and highest element in an array.  JS array iteration methods. Using Map. JS Arrow functions and ES6 version.  'this' in JS. filter() function in JS. Window Object. Methods of Window Object.  JS Screen Object.  JS DOM methods. JS innerHTML.

Examples of Numeric input validation. JS Classes. JS Class Inheritance. Oops in JS . Polymorphism in JS. Cookies in JS. The Cookie String. JS addEventListener() method. JS onclick event. JS onload event. Exception handling in JS. The throw, try-catch block. JS functions Call() and Apply().  The "use strict" Directive. JS Promise, Methods in Promise. Benefits of Promise. Examples on <span> tag . A Digital Clock Example. 

The Cookies an important concept in JavaScript. JavaScript is popularly used in Web based programming. Even though our course concentrates on html files, we can create stand alone JavaScript programs with a .js extension. These programs can be run in the terminal window of our development environment namely Visual Studio Code.

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