Published 2022-04-12
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 7
Price $19.99
Manisha Ghosh

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This course will also be helpful for MSc Computer Science Admission Tests

In 2022, JECA, WB Exam syllabus changed to computer science or applications. In this course, all syllabus are covered with previously recorded lecture from UGC NET Batch, so students will learn how to solve MCQ Questions of Computer science. All lectures are include various example and shortcut tricks to solve MCQ on Computer Science and Applications. Main aim of this course is to make capable to solve MCQ Computer Science. This course will also be helpful to those students who are seeking admission for MSc in Computer Science courses in various Universities in West Bengal, India. All videos are in Bengali. JECA Syllabus are based on the following Topics-

1. C Programming: Variables and Data types, IO Operations, Operators and Expressions, Control Flow statements, Functions, Array, Pointers, String Handling, Structures and Unions, Files Handling, Pre-Processor Directives, Command Line Arguments.

2. Object Oriented Programming: Data Types, If / Else If / Else, Loops, Function, Switch case, Pointer, Structure, Array, String, Function Overloading, Function templates, SCOPE of variable, Type aliases (typedef / using), Unions, Enumerated types (enum), Class, Constructors, Overloading Constructors, Member initialization in constructors, Pointers to classes, Overloading Operators, Keyword ‘this’, Static Members, Const Member Functions, Class Templates, Template Specialization, Namespace, Friendship (Friend Functions & Friend Classes), Inheritance, Polymorphism, Virtual Members, Abstract base class.

3. Unix: Following commands and its different options: Is, ps, pwd, mv, cp, touch, cat, time, cal, bc, sort, diff, wc, comm, In, du, kill, sleep, chmod, chown, chgrp, top, nice, renice, cut, paste, grep, file, whereis, which, echo, env, PATH, CLASSPATH, find.

vi editor, shell, wildcard, shell script.

4. Data Structure: Searching, Sorting, Stack, Queue, Linked List, Tree, Graph.

5. Introduction of Computers: Bus structure, Basic I/O, Subroutines, Interrupt, DMA, RAM, ROM, pipeline, system calls.

6. Operating System: Process, Thread, CPU Scheduling, Deadlock, Synchronization, Memory Management, Disk Management, File Management.

7. Computer Network: Concepts of networking, Application areas, Classification, Reference models, Transmission environment & technologies, Routing algorithms, IP, UDP & TCP protocols, IPv4 and IPv6, Reliable data transferring methods, Application protocols, Network Security, Management systems, Perspectives of communication networks.

8. Database Management System: Introductions to Databases, ER diagram, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus, SQL, Normalization, Transactions, Indexing, Query optimization.

9. Software Engineering: Introduction to Software Engineering, A Generic view of process, Process models, Software Requirements, Requirements engineering process, System models, Design Engineering, Testing Strategies, Product metrices, Metrices for Process & Products, Risk management, Quality Management.

10. Machine Learning: Classification, Decision Tree Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Bayesian Learning, Clustering, Hidden Markov Models.

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