Create A Cryptocurrency Portfolio Mobile App With Python

Published 2022-05-18
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 13
Price $54.99
Samuel Mthembo

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Learn advanced kivy skills as you create your own real-world cryptocurrency portfolio management app for Android and iOS

In this course I will cover a lot of aspects of better programming for mobile in python using the kivy framework. You will earn everything including how to better:

The goal of the course is not to teach you the basics of kivy, I have another course for that. The goal here is to show you what more you can achieve with python and kivy and extend your knowledge to create any app your mind can conjure.

I will teach you how to approach design problems from a kivy developer's perspective to make sure you are able to implement whatever is thrown at you.
We will also learn how to seemlessly build for both iOS and Android. Something which has been quite difficult for most people in the kivy space. I will show you a trick you can use to build production versions of your apps without installing a single file on your computer. This allows you to build kivy apps on an operating system like windows for example, which is not supported by default

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