Learn Boxing and Streetfighting skills

Published 2022-04-08
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 2
Number of Students 84
Price $84.99
Michael Franklin

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The Streetfighter's Fundamentals

How to go beyond modern martial arts Using the lost secrets of real Streetfighting

By John Nawn and Mick Franklin

How do YOU stack up against the TRUE Streetfighter?

No matter what level of martial arts skills you have achieved its still likely there are some serious gaps in your training. Gaps that are holding you back from your full potential.

John Nawn and Mick Franklin have made a brilliant step-by-step modular system that can take you to an elite level. With consistent training in these principles almost anyone can massively improve their fight game. Both in the ring and on the street.

We can give you all the keys you will ever need to open all the doors to REAL fighting. Even if you take only a fraction of our material you will still be better than most fighters.

If you're one of the chosen few who takes onboard the entire system you will become a force to be reckoned with.

A TRUE Streetfighter has:

  1. A Guard that's almost impossible to get through. He can even use his guard as a weapon to attack his opponents strikes, and his opponent finds it almost impossible to land a meaningful strike on him

  2. A mastery of Footwork; he can work angles, nullify attacks, outflank his opponent, generate power and start to break his opponent down all with positioning

  3. The knowledge of how to punch (very few fighters and so-called martial arts guys understand this) and he understands all the illegal moves such as finger strikes, biting and headbutts

  4. A true understanding of fear and psychology; he's not just a theory man, he can actually use psychology during the fight to destroy his opponent, he can also recognize and deal with fear in himself, he can read body language, he can read the feel of a room and instantly recognize a setup

  5. The means to use all these things together

A top Streetfighter is incredibly difficult to defeat. He's not fighting to earn a belt or win a game of tig, for him fighting can literally be a matter of survival.

The good news is that with enough training and dedication you can be taught to reach this level.

You may be a highly experienced martial artist or a beginner just starting out: this is the right place for you to take your skills light years beyond most fighters out there and learn what really works on the streets.

Listen, you're not always going to be the strongest or quickest fighter. It hurts me to tell you this but you're not always going to be the youngest fighter, either. Someday you may run in to a stronger, faster, younger version of you. A guy who is just better than you. When that happens you wont be able to use brute force or aggression to beat him (he's stronger than you, remember) you need other options in case things don't go as planned. Top Dog Combat Solutions will give you options that work. Well give you Plan A, B, C right through to Z.

Very often it can be the seemingly small details that make the world of difference, just like salt in food, its a small ingredient but it can make all the difference. Those little details can make or break a fighter too. In addition to showing you how to fight right from scratch you'll find all kinds of vital insider information here so you don't have to learn it the hard way.

We've trained in Britain, Russia, Australia and even Japan and we've never seen this stuff taught anywhere else. These are the real keys you've been looking for. THIS is the information you could spend your whole life searching for and still not find! We've laid it all out for you in a logical system so you don't have to waste years searching and training and seeking the deeper meanings of martial arts. All that stuff is right here at your fingertips.

Listen, we have nothing against Karate or most of the other martial arts out there. In fact they must be great to have survived for hundreds of years. Our problem is the WAY these styles are being taught now. There's no way that the Old Masters moved in straight lines and had their hands down at their sides. These were hard men in a time when life was cheap and the cost of making a mistake often meant you were killed. For them to survive long enough to be successful and pass on their style they must have been good.

The problem is that a lot of knowledge has been lost along the way by theory men, guys who've never fought. These are the people who will proudly tell you "I've never had to use my martial arts before in real life." Well, how do they know it works then? That's all fine and lovely that they've never fought, but who would you prefer to have perform brain surgery on you: the guy who's only read the book, or the man who's actually done the operation hundreds of times?

These same theory men will tell you there are deeper meanings to the martial arts, but when you ask them what they are they can only tell you you'll experience it for yourself after you get your black belt. If you were involved in any other sport, lets say basketball as an example, there is no way you would accept this answer. You would want answers immediately, or at least have a clear idea of what you can expect to achieve.

Here at Top Dog Combat Solutions we will give you these deeper meanings straight away. You will understand what we call the basics, which are the foundation principles and strategies - which are true for all styles -that all top street fighters know. You will have a clear idea of what you're trying to achieve and we'll give you step-by-step instructions to get there. No mysteries. Nothing is left to chance.

Most importantly you'll be getting REAL information about what works on the street by a man who has had many street fights: every single thing that John Nawn teaches is something that he has tested and used in a real street fight. He knows that it works as much as you believe in gravity or that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

What you'll get when you invest in the Top Dog Fighting System:

To be honest you could revisit the key principles of fighting your whole life and still discover more, but here we take you by the hand and show you what you need to know to become an elite fighter.

We leave nothing to chance, we want you to succeed. By the time you've finished watching these videos you'll have a clear understanding you can apply to your training with immediate results.

We'll show you how to use Footwork to DOMINATE the fight. You'll learn to work angles, outflanking, getting in and out of range, STRESSING your opponent with your position and more. This is a vitally important area; if you've mastered footwork you're almost invincible. Think about it: if you're always just out of range or off on the angle how is your opponent going to hit you? While its no easy challenge to become an expert at Footwork we will certainly make sure you understand the road to get there.

Hitting hard and doing lots of exercise seems to be the staple of most clubs now. But to be honest very few people even know how to really hit. Often these people train in a sport where the goal is to win points or have a long and interesting match for the benefit of the audience. That's not our approach at all: you're here to win. It's that simple. We'll show you how to generate real power with speed, and still be protected while you're doing it. You'll also learn the effective targets to go for.

Our motto is if you cant hit me, you cant hurt me. And we always say hurt your opponent every time he tries to hit you. This is the core of our system and something no one else teaches (we've certainly never found anyone else who teaches this stuff today, although in the old days this stuff was actually not that rare at all).

We'll show you slipping and counter punches, how to read body language so you know when your opponent is going to throw a punch almost before he does, and a lot more.

Lots of people will mention fear and adrenalin in a fight but they have a very superficial understanding of it. Even those who have good theory on psychology still somehow manage to keep that understanding completely separate from fighting. We'll show you how to use Psychology in the fight to win and to dominate your opponent. Fear is natural, fear is your friend. We'll help you embrace it.

Imagine being able to hit your opponent at zero range. You're inside his guard, chest to chest, with no room to move. Or so he thinks. We'll show you how to deliver devastating hits from this range. This used to be common with old boxers who could fight effectively from the clinch. Nowadays you see the Ref breaking them up. But in the old days these guys would stay there and work their opponent. They were lethal -you didn't want them to get close. They could hit you, you couldn't hit them unless you knew how to fight at this range. Here you'll learn the basics of Infighting and also learn all the illegal moves for maximum effect, such as headbutts, biting, stomps, etc etc.

We don't just teach you the theory, although a good understanding of what you're trying to achieve is invaluable, we also show you step by step how to develop real skill. This is the blueprint that leaves nothing to chance. Each one of these drills teaches you something important and builds you from the ground up, regardless of where you are starting from.

Listen, we've taught everyone from bare beginners to Tai Chi guys through to good boxers and full contact Karate people. EVERYONE will benefit from these drills.

So what are you waiting for? Join this course and in a few seconds you can have access to all this information that will drastically improve your training

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