Learn how to bot and resell sneakers.

Published 2022-05-27
Platform Udemy
Price $19.99

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The most popular side hustle of 2022.

This course is the ONE and ONLY course you need to immerse yourself into the world of sneaker reselling. I will be taking it one step further and also show you how to use bots to increase your profit and how to set the bots up to achieve maximum potential.

Many people are nervous about reselling as they might not know what they are doing and also they have no idea on how to compete against bots. With my lectures, I will teach you how to bot a large list of websites, from Footlocker to Yeezy Supply to Supreme and many more. I will make sure that you have the optimum setup needed so that you have the greatest chances of success with botting and reselling.

Within this course you will also learn where the best places are to buy and sell sneakers, as well as money making opportunities that lie within reselling but don't involve botting the sneakers yourself. This industry is a very young and booming sector and there are no signs of it slowing down.

More and more people are starting to resell sneakers as they see potential it has to change their lives. So what are you waiting for, it's not too late! With my in depth lectures, I will leave no stone unturned.

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