Excel 2019 Beginner

Published 2022-05-17
Platform Udemy
Rating 5.00
Number of Reviews 2
Number of Students 10
Price $19.99
Learnit Anytime

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Learn the basics of Excel - how to build and format spreadsheets with functions and formulas between cells

Feel like you're the only person who doesn't know Excel and worried about getting up to speed? You're not alone, and we can help! Our Excel 2019 Beginner course leads you, step-by-step, through the basics of this popular spreadsheet program. There's plenty of time for practice and hands-on exercises to cement your new knowledge.

As we go through the training, you'll recognize — and finally understand — the very same features you've seen in Excel spreadsheets at work. By the end of this course, you'll be making those kinds of spreadsheets yourself.

Lists - These could be lists of employees, products, customers, or anything else. Lists take advantage of Excel's formatting in rows and columns. You'll learn how to format and freeze table headers; change fonts, sizes and colors; and set printing specs.

Tabulations - Excel is great at number-crunching and offers a slew of arithmetic functions you can apply to your data, like averages, sums, and counts.

Computations - Typically financials, these could be budgets, income statements, invoices, tax computations or similar. These spreadsheets contain values that are tied together by formulas so that changing one instantly changes the others: for example, the same way changing revenue immediately flows through to a change in profits. The key to creating these tied-together spreadsheets is learning how to correctly reference the spots where data is kept ("cells") using formulas in other cells.

This is course 1 of 3 in Learnit Anytime’s Excel 2019 training series.

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