Buy Low Sell High - Ancient Philosophy, Concepts, Strategies

Published 2022-05-21
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 3
Price $84.99
Andrew Wong

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Holistic & Integrated approach to market trading

Many people have the aspiration to make money from the market trading.

It is also true that many people lose money in market trading.

Each trader or investor has his or her own logical thinking how the market should behave and from there he or she makes trading decision. Only later he or she finds that his or her own expectation and assumptions of the market was wrong, and lose money in trading.

As such many take up training which is the right step to do. However many still cannot make money after many training attended.

In this training course, Buy Low Sell High, a great deal of emphasis is made on the appropriate philosophy and concepts to be understood and applied, and not just based on technical analysis.

In this training course, you will appreciate the importance of holistic and integrated approach, as per ancient philosophy, in order to make money. And this approach is not addressed by most of the training courses offered in the market.

In this training course you will also find that your very own psychology and personalities play very important parts in your trading decision, which affect the outcome, making money or losing money.

You are going to have a great deal of fun learning, interesting and exciting in attending this training course on "Buy Low Sell High" as per Ancient Philosophy, Concepts and Strategies.

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