Master Android Application Development

Published 2022-07-20
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $59.99
Kiran A. Bendigeri

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Develop apps referring Android documentation.

Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software, designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Android has been the best-selling OS worldwide on smartphones since 2011 and on tablets since 2013. As of May 2021, it has over three billion monthly active users, the largest installed base of any operating system, and as of January 2021, the Google Play Store features over 3 million apps.

Here in this course :

You are going to learn Android App Development using Android studio and Kotlin.

You are going to learn how to setup Android studio and mirror you physical device.

You are going to learn Basics of Kotlin. Datatypes, Operators, Control flow, Functions and Lambdas, Classes, Inheritance etc.

You are going to learn building applications using OOPs concepts to cultivate the habit of professionals.

You are going to learn Basics of Android Development. Architecture, Anatomy, Views, Gradle, Lifecycle, Fragments, Intents, Broadcast receivers, Services and constraints.

You are going to learn advanced concepts of Jetpack. View Binding, View Model, Data Binding, Navigation, Live data.

You are going to learn and develop Applications. Recyccler view, Notification, Database(SQLite), Retrofit, SMS.

You are going to learn Material Design .

You are going to learn to refer documentation and code instead of remembering everything.

You are going to learn to export Android package kit (apk).

More and more videos will be updated periodically.

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