NISM Series V-A Mutual Fund Distributors Certifications exam

Published 2021-06-08
Platform Udemy
Rating 3.86
Number of Reviews 17
Number of Students 73
Price $19.99
Suresh Chandra Sharma, CFA, CFP

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NISM V-A Mutual Fund Distributors certification exam. Mutual Fund Investment, different schemes, taxation, distribution.

This course is based on the workbook of NISM V-A Mutual Fund Distributors module and my practical life experience of working with AMCs for more than 8 years.

The course covers all important topics to enhance the quality of sales, distribution and related support services in the mutual fund industry. It covers topics related to the basics of mutual funds, their role and structure, different kinds of mutual fund schemes and their features, accounting, valuation and taxation aspects underlying mutual funds and their distribution. The course also discusses the concept of scheme evaluation, services to investors and prospective investors. It will be immensely useful to all those who want to have a better understanding of Indian mutual fund industry.

Post attending this course, candidate will -

• Know the basics of mutual funds, their role and structure, different kinds of mutual fund schemes and their features.

• Understand how mutual funds are distributed in the market-place, how schemes are to be evaluated, and how suitable products and services can be recommended to investors and prospective investors in the market.

• Get oriented to the legalities, accounting, valuation and taxation aspects underlying mutual funds and their distribution.

The examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for all persons involved in selling and distributing mutual funds including:

• Individual Mutual Fund Distributors

• Employees of organizations engaged in sales and distribution of Mutual Funds

• Employees of Asset Management Companies especially persons engaged in sales and distribution of Mutual Funds

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