Nmap Master Class ~Project Base

Published 2022-06-07
Platform Udemy
Price $19.99
Paplu Ahmed

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NMAP Network Scanner: The Basics

Nmap can be used by hackers to gain access to uncontrolled ports on a system. All a hacker would need to do to successfully get into a targeted system would be to run Nmap on that system, look for vulnerabilities, and figure out how to exploit them. Hackers aren't the only people who use the software platform

The network mapper (NMAP) is one of the highest quality and powerful free network utilities in the cybersecurity professional's arsenal. This NMAP course offers the NMAP skills and commands needed to become a better network administrator, incident responder, or penetration tester. Learn NMAP fundamentals and even create personal hands-on labs.

This course covers the basics of using Nmap, the network scanner. As a network scanner, Nmap is often used at the beginning of penetration testing to find out basic information about the target website or web app. Nmap, or Network Mapper, is used in security and auditing for checking host or service uptime. It can tell us what’s available on a given network, whether that’s the applications that are in use or whether the network is running firewalls. It can even scan what operating systems are in use on the network. Nmap works on all major operating systems and you can run it as command-line prompts or through the Nmap application called Zenmap. Nmap is incredibly popular with cybersecurity professionals because it is free, easy to use, well-supported and incredibly powerful and can allow you to scan huge computer networks, made up of thousands of machines.

Nmap include:

Nmap is clearly the “Swiss Army Knife” of networking, thanks to its inventory of versatile commands.

It lets you quickly scan and discover essential information about your network, hosts, ports, firewalls, and operating systems.

Nmap has numerous settings, flags, and preferences that help system administrators analyze a network in detail.

If you want to learn Nmap in-depth, Then you can join this course. Thanks...............

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