Organic Marketing Accelerator - Free leads everyday

Published 2022-01-15
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 3
Price $19.99
Angel Rodian

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Don't risk to pay for ads and get ZERO SALES on your coaching program! Learn How to Get 20-30 FREE leads on facebook

Don't risk to pay for ads and get ZERO SALES on your coaching program!

Learn How to Get 20-30 FREE leads on facebook without paid ADS

Do you want to get more clients for your service based business and hit that six-fig mark?

  1. They don’t target the right audience.

  2. Then the message they try to deliver doesn’t resonate with their ideal client avatar.

  3. Or they spend too many time cold DM one person at a time.

  4. And then this happens:

Wrong Targeting + Bad Offer + Low Traffic = No Appointments and NO SALES


You can skip this and save time by using the system and procedures that I use since 2016

I’ll keep this training short and teach you what to do in order to get FREE highly targeted clients for your business and scale up to 6 fig/ year.

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Enroll now in the course and learn how to successfully identify your client avatar, then go out in the market by picking the right niche.

Using this strategy will help you get your first paying clients without spending money on ads.

Don't get me wrong, running ads is great, we do use ads for coaches who consistently earn +10K/month in order to scale faster, but... the strategies presented in this short course are still been used even if we run ads.

Do not neglect this and you will be able to run a successful business in 90 days or less.

I recommend this strategies for Coaches, Consultants and course creators who don't have money for ads or they are under 20K/month.

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