Patrick Waldron's WHAT IF/I WOULD: the Adventures of Aladdin

Published 2022-03-16
Platform Udemy
Number of Students 1
Price $19.99
Patrick Waldron

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Learn how an easy conversational game controls every level of story and now, write every story you ever wanted to write!

What if you knew how to write already and all you needed was a 2-hour class to unlock your writer skills? You would drop everything and sign up for this class.

I am Patrick Waldron and I will teach you how to write in the next 2 hours. I made this class because my teachers couldn't help me. I studied writing for years: I devoured how-to-books, joined writers groups, gave and got critiques, and took classes, but nothing helped me until I took out some stories and marked off here is the beginning of the scene, here is the event, here is the response. And, by hacking away at story after story I developed a system that helped me isolate and identify every part of story. Finally, I learned how to write.

This class uses that system. Not only is there an event and a response in every line of a story, but there's also an event and a response in every part of a story that unlocks the sequence of each main plot, subplot, story arc, and character arc. Just about every writing teacher has missed this until now.

Published authors know this and now you can, too. Check out my free video samples you will not regret it. Sign up and not only watch the videos but get a copy of my class book where I identify every single part of the story. Then, you can write all of the stories you ever wanted write!

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